Anthony Cabot Las Vegas, NV TRP Precuts that were used: Colored Glass Circles

Anthony Cabot Las Vegas, NV TRP Precuts that were used: Colored Glass Circles

Joyce Kinman Orlando Florida https://www.facebook.com/JMKGlassworks TRP Precuts that were used: Round Stained Glass Circles

Anthony Cabot Las Vegas, NV TRP Precuts that were used: Colored Glass Circles
Customer Projects
This page is dedicated to our many creative customers who have used our stained glass precut shapes in their projects. As our customers agree to have their projects on our webpage, we will include a pic. Hover over or click a pic for artist information. If you would like to request that your project be included, email Mike at trpstainedglass@gmail.com . There is only one requirement: you must have used one of our many stained glass precuts in your project.